Thursday, October 10, 2013

S.H.I.T. (Sure happy it's Thursday)

This post's title sums it up.  This week has sucked.  Really.  In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it's not all that terrible, but for me it has sucked.  I started with a washing machine leaking water last Friday.  Repair person came Saturday and it worked just fine. (Of course it did.)  Biggest little dude and I have been out for the count all week due to that bitch, Mother Nature, and her raping trees (see the ABC's of Fall).  I couldn't even go do my most favorite thing in the world at Wednesday night choir practice because I'd sound like everyone would be afraid of my sudden case of tuberculosis.  Then came today.  Today was going to be good.  I looked cute.  My kids were happy.  Did I mention I looked cute?  I did.  Anyway, my youngest had his annual appointment at the Autism Center at Texas Children's  downtown, so we left as soon as we dropped big brother off at school.  Not 4 miles into my journey, I got rear ended!  I can't make this shit up, people.  Not only did I get rear ended, but I spilled coffee EVERYWHERE.  It's on the headliner, on my kid's car seat, on the windshield, in the trunk, all over the engine...What? It could happen!  Maybe I got carried away.  Who cares?!  Focus, people!!!  My heart's one true happiness at 8:30 a.m. was wasted.  But back to the real issue.  I was rear ended.  By the nicest, most terrified 16 year old ever.  I couldn't even be mean.  He was so nervous.  So shaken.  He and 4 of his buddies were on their way to volunteer with the PALS program.  Yes, boys and girls.  They were on their way to a local elementary school.  I asked him if he had called his parents and all he could say was, "I haven't called anyone.  I've never done this before.  I don't know what to do."  Bless. Your. Heart.  "Give me your insurance card and call your mom or dad."  "Yes ma'am."  At this point I should have drop kicked him right in the family jewels, but I didn't.  I'm a nice middle-aged woman who gets called ma'am.  When I called his mom later in the day to check on him she said he was so upset not only because of the accident, but because he hit a fellow Aggie who loved running.  It took me a second to recall what running lover he was talking about.  Oh!  That's ME!

Nobody is hurt.  No body lost anything valuable or irreplaceable.  But, JEEZ! WHY THE MA'AM!  I used to say, "You have to be at least 35 to be a ma'am."  Shit.  I'm 37.  Fueling obesity would be so much cheaper.  I could just buy a half gallon of Blue Bell, a can of frosting and some Cheese Whiz and call it a day, but no. I'm pissed that I'm sick.  I'm pissed that my kid is sick.  I'm pissed that I got rear ended.  And I'm really pissed that I don't sleep well because my bed sucks.  My new bed is being delivered tonight.  I'm all about solving problems, kids.  

"Be the change you want to see in the world."  Ghandi was a freakin' genius.  Know what I want to see in my world?  A well-rested Amy.  Namaste, y'all.

And if the cable that has been out for 2 days doesn't start working before football games start on Saturday, I will lose it.

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