Friday, February 2, 2018

One job is never enough.

I absolutely love selling houses. I'm good at it, and I get to work with people during one of their most significant life changes. I've had friends become clients as well as clients become friends. I have to say that it's my favorite job I've ever had, My second most favorite job was being the office manager at a pre-school. School is so much fun to me! I knew I was going to be a teacher. I have some of the best memories of my 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and I am proud to still be in touch with so many of them. Growing up, I always played "school" or "secretary", but I was a very specific kind of secretary. I was either a receptionist or the Principal's secretary. 

Now that I really have a handle on how I like to work my real estate career, I thought I'd peruse the local district's job openings to see if there were any clerical positions. It's really a win-win. I'm on my kids' schedule AND I'm busy enough that I don't sit on the couch eating Cheetos all day. Oh, and a bi-weekly paycheck in addition to my Rodan+Fields income would mean I can get the cleaning fairies to come back. 

You know what's coming....

I'm the newest employee at one of the elementary schools in Edmond. I asked Clay if he wanted to come with me to my new school and his response was, "No thank you." Well, alrighty then. Before you ask if I'm teaching again, please know that the answer to that question is "HELL TO THE NAW!!" I have an even better job. I'm the front desk secretary! It's been a long time since I've had to be up, dressed, hair and make-up done, and ready to "people" at 7:30 a.m. Monday changed that. I was so tired on Monday that I was asleep by 7:30. Tuesday, I almost made it to 9:00. Wednesday and Thursday weren't any better. Today, I had a coffee at 2:30 because my sentences weren't making any sense. Here's hoping I make it to 10:00. HA! Aside from the sleepy struggles, it's great, y'all! I get all the benefits of playing with my school co-workers and being around kids, but I don't have to worry about all that teaching stuff getting in the way.

Kids are HAH-LARRY-US, but kids with Autism hold a special place on the hilarity scale. One in particular felt it necessary to tell the principal he yelled at another kid because that other kid was "PISSIN' HIM OFF!!" Autism doesn't have a filter, kids. You wanna know if that dress makes you look fat? Ask a kid on the Spectrum. 

I feel like I'm a bit of an expert now, and I want to share what I've learned after a year-and-a-half as PTO President (had to resign when I took the job) and one week as the "new lady in the office". Here are a few tips for those of you with kiddos in the school system. 

1) If any employee asks to see your ID, even though you have had 18 kids go through that school, please don't give them any shit. IT MIGHT BE HER FIRST DAY, MAN! 

2) Eat lunch with your kids as much as you can and give them lots and lots of kisses, even in front of their friends. I've watched 5th grade boys wipe off their mamas' kisses, but turn to walk back to class with a genuine smile on their faces.

3) Nobody, and I mean NO. BAH. DEE. is judging you for coming up to school in your sweatpants, no bra, messy bun, and no makeup. We're too busy being jealous.

4) If soup is on the menu and your kid is buying lunch, make sure that there are some extra clothes available for when the soup explodes.

5) I guarantee you'd be a bajillionaire if you could invent a mister that only sprayed kid-friendly Lysol as kids walked in and out of the door.

6) Respect the carpool! That's right. Hell hath no fury like a mom still on her first cup of coffee in a minivan. You breaking the rules and jacking the system only makes it harder for you in the end. Moms AND dads will join in solidarity to keep your cheating ass stuck in the parking lot and unable to get out. Oh, and for the love of all things good and holy, the moment your kids get out of the car is not the appropriate time to engage in a long conversation. Discuss whether or not Kesha has lost her edge since dropping the $ around the dinner table, not the car line.