Tuesday, October 8, 2013

More Ranting for Tuesday

Maybe it was my therapeutic brain dump yesterday.  Maybe it was being awake all night coughing up a lung.  Maybe I just have a lot more that I need to get off my chest.  I just know that I am still very cranky and need to share a few more things that really piss me off.

1)  Superfluous safety seals.  Ok, Proctor and Gamble.  We get it.  You want people to have untainted meds.  (Hahahaha.  I said "taint".  Sorry.  I'm really a 15 year old boy trapped in a 37 year old woman's body).  But, is it really necessary to put a safety seal on the box, a safety seal on the cap, and then a foil safety seal on the bottle that requires a bayonet?  I swear I'll drop dead from whatever is ailing me before I get to the damn remedy.

2)  Doctors that make you wait longer than 30 minutes for your scheduled appointment and have multiple postings that if you are more than 30 minutes late for your appointment, you will be charged.

3)  When the guy in the drive-thru asks if you want any ketchup and you say yes and he gives you just one packet.  Wow.  So generous.  That'll be good for one of my fries.  Have a nice day, asshat.

4)  When your husband/kid/dog/yardman wakes you up 10 minutes before the alarm goes off.  I swear I wake up thinking I'm gonna cut a bitch.  Not a good way to start the day.

5)  Parents who start lining up in carpool at 2:00 for a 3:40 dismissal.  Did I miss something?  Is there a medal given for the person who picks their kid up first?

6)  When you feel like complete shit and plan to spend the day on the couch cuddling a box of Puffs with Lotion, but your kid wakes up sick, too.  Moms don't get a day off.  Don't misunderstand me.  I love my job and I love my children, but there are no sick days when you're the Mama.

7)  When said sick child won't shut the hell up and just let you wither away in silence.

8)  Chocolate chip cookies that turn out to have raisins instead of chocolate chips.  That's just rude!

9)  When people are on a special diet and feel the need to talk about it non-stop.  I get it.  You're committed.  I've been on Weight Watchers for over a year.  I don't feel the need to talk to anyone and everyone about it at the drop of a hat.  Just shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad.

10)  People that honk at you the nanosecond the light turns green.  Simmer down!  This isn't the Indy 500, you jackass!  

I told you I was still cranky.


  1. That was hilarious Amy. I've had many of the same thoughts.

  2. You need to get out of my head, Amy Stoker. This whole telepathy nonsense is starting to freak me out... ;)

  3. Just shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad. HILARIOUS. I think I'll use that line on the #Paleo friend who posts pictures of every. single. paleo. meal. Thanks for the laugh this morning.

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