Monday, January 6, 2014

Merry New Year!

Today is January 6 and according to Today on NBC, it is the most depressing day of the year.  I disagree.  The day I had to stop wearing Units was the most depressing day of my....oh, wait!  Depressing day of the year.  I get it.  Sorry, never mind.  So, yeah.  January 6 is the most depressing day of the year. Well, cheer up, buttercup!  Amusing Amy is here for YOU!

We had a simple Christmas, surrounded by Kleenex, Vicks, antibiotics, Mucinex and snot.  My poor kids could not get well, but it was nice to avoid the hustle and bustle.  Hubs was off for two weeks and we got to spend some much-needed time at home all together.  Having said that, if I hear "What Does the Fox Say" one more time, someone is going to lose a limb. 

My oldest always amazes me with his compassion, selflessness and maturity.  This was his letter to Santa.

Who says that and really means it?  When I was 8 years old, I wanted every Barbie under the sun, 5 Care Bears, a skateboard, a hula-hoop and Frogger for the Atari.  Luke just isn't that way when it comes to Christmas.  Every other day of the year he's just as wanty as any other kid and can honestly be quite the jackass, but not Christmas.  My youngest just wanted M&Ms and kept asking over and over for reassurance that Santa wasn't going to come into his room.  His literal mind isn't a big fan of some fat dude in a red suit breaking and entering.

 Despite the sick kiddos, we had a great time being together and even added a new family member!  Everyone, this is Lola.  

We got her from Basset Buddies Rescue Texas and we absolutely love her!  She and Boris are great  It took some time.  In fact, this is the conversation that ensued via text with my friend, Wendy.  

Wendy: How's everyone getting along?

Amy: She isn't a fan of Boris bein' in her bidness, but she's adjusting

Wendy: Fair enough - they did just meet 

Amy: She showed him her teeth. Ain't talking smiles.

Wendy: Girl's proud a her grill.

Amy: Or her snatch.

Wendy: We are all proud of our snatch!!! . I just might already love her!

Amy: I guess I'd show my teeth in a non-smiling way too if some stranger's nose was there.

Wendy: See!

Amy: She got a bath. Snatch was staaaaanky. 

Wendy: Whew. 

Amy: And I got her some doggie "freshen up spray"

Wendy: They have snatch spray for pups!?!?

Amy: For when she's feelin' not so fresh

Thirty minutes later....

Wendy: we're hilarious. We should go on the road!

Amy: Yeah. An agent would snatch us right up.

 She is completely lady-like in every way.  
How I have lived my entire life without a Basset Hound, I'll never know.  She is the perfect addition to our crazy!

So, now it's the most depressing day of the year (Units would totally make it better) and we are gearing up to go back to school tomorrow.  HALLELUJAH!  Ahem.  I mean, I'll really enjoy being back on a routine and I think the boys will enjoy me not threatening their earthly existence if they fight one more time, destroy each other's latest Lego creation, or leave those tiny Legos laying around for me to step on.  Ever step on a Lego?  It's worse than childbirth.   

I've made some resolutions for the New Year, and I'm sure you're dying to know what they are.   Simply stated, I want to sport the mom look less and the hot mom look more.  I also want to Dave Ramsey it up over here. I realize that these two resolutions might work against each other, but I really do want to make more of an effort to wear more than workout clothes.  Ok, maybe at least wear make-up with my nice workout clothes. 

 I've decided that my word for 2014 is "le duh", meaning I plan to focus on the obvious.  Work smarter, not harder.  Eliminate distractions that don't make me a better mom/wife/friend/blogger.  (I deleted Facebook from my phone, y'all.  That's huge.) Focus on the things that matter most to me.  Run my first marathon.  Holy cow!  

Stay tuned, kids.  It's gonna be a great year.