Saturday, January 17, 2015

OK is OK

Helloooooooo friends!  It's been one week and one day since I moved to Edmond, Oklahoma.  I'm certain you were all waiting with anticipation to find out what I think of it.  Well, congratulations.  The wait is over.  Here are my thoughts....

My bff, Erin, drove up here with me and the dogs on Friday.  It was 9 hours of hilarity, but we made it.  It didn't hurt that we spent the night before at a very cool hotel (Hotel Icon in Downtown Houston) and had the best meal of our entire lives at Brennan's. Hey, we had to carb up, and wine definitely has carbs, and we were riding in my dream car (a fully loaded, brand new 2015 Suburban)  

Our drive up was uneventful, but did include a stop for convenience store lunchmeat that was a total bargain at $1, (the dogs needed Benadryl and cramming it down their throat didn't work.  By the way, Lola snarfed that shit down like it was a chocolate cake) Whataburger, and Dairy Queen.  (What?  We needed a Blizzard!)  

My first thought upon pulling into our neighborhood was, "Holy crap, it's DARK!"  See, here's the thing.  Apparently they don't believe in street lights in Oklahoma.  All along I was worried about needing a Rosetta Stone program, but it turns out I needed to invest in night vision goggles.  We got here at about 7:30 and at 7:35 my friend, Cissa, pulled up with a Welcome Basket!  She included wine (duh), a corkscrew, and glasses.  She is so smart!  There was also some cheese and crackers and an odd-shaped cutting board that looked sorta like a pot...  

Anywho, we visited with her for a bit and drank her wine because we didn't want to be rude, (ahem) and then we got to work.  By Sunday afternoon, Erin and I had everything unpacked.  Yes, we are machines.  We get shit done, yo.  Sunday night was ugly.  I won't lie.  When I dropped Erin off at the airport I felt like I was leaving a piece of me at the curb.  I love this girl, and I can't wait for her to visit!

Monday morning I was on my own.  I woke up and drank my coffee while gazing out the kitchen window at the breath-taking view.

Yes.  That is a pump jack.  Welcome to Oklahoma.

Even though we'd unpacked everything, there was still much to do, so I got to work.  Can I say that purchasing 2 ipad minis for Christmas was the greatest decision ever?  The boys were content, and I worked until we had to go enroll at the elementary school.  The boys started Tuesday.  Luke was dressed head to toe in University of Texas burnt orange.  The kid had to represent.  Did it pain me that he didn't choose maroon?  Hell, yes, but the kid wants to be just like his daddy.  (It's my hubby's only flaw) Clay was just excited to have chips in his lunch.  It was a good day. 

Fast forward to a week and a day later, and here's what I think....
First, I think I'm going to be really skinny by Valentine's Day because I'm about to start doing three-a-day workouts.  Unless I make some friends.  Fast.  I worked all week to get the house set up.  I took breaks to run, go to Jazzercise (Oh, how I missed you, Jazzercise), and Hobby Lobby, but other than that, I was working on getting the house set up.  By Friday night I realized that I really miss my girlfriends.  Here's hoping I find some God-worshiping, wine-loving, marathon-training, dog-loving, cussing friends soon!!!  I could join the PTO.....NAH!!!!  I'd rather run, go to the Y, or Jazzercise.

Second, I think I need more fleece.  I ran 4 miles on Wednesday and it was COLD AS BALLS.  Y'all, my snot froze to my face.  It was 28 degrees with a northern wind.  It was the kind of cold that makes you think you've peed your pants.  Luckily it's warmed up now and I was able to run in shorts and a t-shirt today.  Another added benefit?  People are finally taking their Christmas decorations down.  There's nothing sadder than a deflated Frosty Family in the front yard on January 16.  I'm just saying.  Don't be that person!

Third, my neighbors are nonexistent.  I have yet to see or meet one.  They all have dogs, but I think they  must just air-drop food on a regular basis.  My dogs talk to their dogs, but I haven't seen any humans.  

Stay tuned, my friends.  There are more tales to come...


  1. Knew you would love OK. Never heard of my home state being referred to as "a pot". Enjoy where God has planted your family. Love you dearly. Momma D.

  2. Perhaps you were sent to that neighborhood to shake things up?!? Drag those introverts out to their porches!! (Of course, I am them and I would hide from you at first. But you know how fun I am once I get warmed up!)oking forward to hearing more!

  3. Omg, you're hilarious! Found your blog through a friend. Welcome to Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plainnnnssss.
    Looking forward to reading about your escapades!
    P-town, OK
