Thursday, January 29, 2015

I finally met the neighbors!!!

They do exist!  They don't airdrop food for their dogs!  
Yesterday, I was smack in the middle of a recipe and realized that I was out of butter and cheese.  Not sure how that happens, but whatevs.  I threw on a tshirt and some shorts, combed my just-out-of-the-shower hair, and walked out to the car.  There she was.  My neighbor in her driveway.  I apologized for my appearance, but needed to meet her anyway.  Very sweet lady.  She and her husband are retired and travel quite a bit.  Ah.  That explains their absence. 

This picture was Saturday morning.  The dogs were so confused by this made up bed business.I gotta tell you that I've been really good about making my bed everyday and keeping the house tidy.  I don't have to get dressed up in my work finery anymore, but still try to fix myself up on a day to day basis, and by fixing myself up, I mean I wear the nice yoga pants and put on just enough make-up to keep from scaring small children should we need to make a mad dash to the ER. 

Today was not one of those days.  Today, I got home from cising my Jazzer, took a shower, did some computer work and thought, "Hot damn!  I'm going to take a nap!"  And that's exactly what I did.  The kids came home from school, I was folding laundry, the dogs were sleeping, and then the doorbell rang.  My other neighbors were here to meet us!  They are also from Texas (Yee HAW!) and have a 5th grader and a 4th grader.  This is a match made in heaven.  You would think I would be so excited!!!  But, I'm not, and I'll tell you why.  Both of my children and both of my dogs start acting like complete assholes.  Boris wouldn't quit barking.  Lola was jumping all over the 4th grader. The boys were slapping at each other, kicking each other, and chasing each other around the kitchen.  Clay throws himself on the ground and starts crying about how hungry he is.  I tell him "Daddy is bringing pizza."  To which he replies, "We already had pizza!  We eat pizza everyday!"  To make matters even better, this is what my house looks like at this very moment.

 Blankets all over the couch to attempt to cut down on the imbedded dog hair and a fresh pile of towels in the chair.

Nice pile of laundry that you can see right from the front entry way.  Lovely.

My kitchen table that I just cleared and Windexed this morning.

My kitchen counters.  I think they just exploded during my nap.

And remember me telling you how excited I was about my good DL picture?  
Here it is:

Too bad they didn't come over on Monday.  I would've looked just fab.  Instead, here's what they got:

Welcome to the motherfucking neighborhood.  
Where's the wine?

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