Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I can't keep calm, I'm from TEXAS!

Yes, I am fully aware that it is only Tuesday; however, I went to the DMV yesterday.  Ho. Ly. Mo. Ly.  Getting my car registered in Oklahoma might send me over the edge. I'm just sayin'.  It's one more reason to make sure you pay your shit off before moving to another state or purchase in full.  Not having the paper title is going to subtract years from my life.  Whatever.  It's cool.  I'm not in a hurry to get rid of my Texas license plate. At least I got my Oklahoma driver's license after a multi-step process.  You see, in OK you aren't gonna spend your entire day in one long line.  Oh, no.  You get to make an appointment online to go to one office to apply for your license.  Then, they send you to another office where you have to take your approval letter (yeah, my self-esteem needed that) and that's where they take your picture and give you your license.  Good news is, I'm still an organ donor (and you should be, too) and my picture is fabulous.

Y'all.  They actually put your weight on your license here!  I gotta say, if that ain't motivation to get my ass back in gear, I don't know what is.  (I may have told them my weight prior to Christmas.  Whatever!  Don't judge me!  I've been stressed out!  Surgery, then the holidays, then the move and all those wonderful Tex-Mex restaurants I had to hit before leaving, and all the goodbye celebrations, and all the wine that needed to be consumed, then I ate and drank my feelings for a few weeks, and they were delicious...)

But really, y'all.  I didn't lose 60 lbs to just gain them back.  Especially if my weight is on my license (minus the 10 lbs I've gained).  OH HELL NO!  So, I've gone back to the program that I know works.  Weight Watchers. 

I realize that some of my habits extra curricular calories have gotten a little out of hand, so I've decided that I'll start a Whole 30 on February 9.  What is a Whole 30 you ask?  Well, it's 30 days without grains, sugar (except natural sugars in fruit), dairy, or alcohol.  As my friend, Jaedeanne says, it's 30 days without joy.  No, no, no!  It's not that bad.  I still get to eat bacon.  Holla!!  Remember back when I had to do the 30 day candida diet?  It's basically that again, but this time I get to have fruit from the beginning and I don't have to explain to the pharmacist that I'm not buying all the anti-yeast medication in the store for a yeast infection that isn't "down there".  What?  TMI?  Then why are you reading my blog?  I digress.

Why am I doing another Whole 30?  Because it really is good for my body, especially after three months of food and drink debauchery.  It will help me through the toughest part of marathon training (WOO HOO!) and will help rid my body of all the toxins...those delicious, tasty toxins...that have built up over the past three months. Why am I waiting until February 9?  Because it would not be wise to set myself up for failure before a weekend with Erin in College Station.  The point is, the book It Starts With Food sorta changed my life and my relationship with food and we all need a little relationship counseling from time to time.  After those 30 days, I'll be a month out from my marathon and ready to eat a small village.  Let's just hope that I can keep my crankypants attitude in check.  I won't have trips to Starbucks and glasses of merlot to do that for me.

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